
Hindi and Ukrainian now available on Kawamura NMT


September 27, 2022

Kawamura International has released version 8.0 of Kawamura NMT, a cloud-based machine translation service.
With version 8.0, Hindi and Ukrainian are newly added to its supported languages. (Both can be paired with Japanese or English.)

Pricing and Language Support

Monthly fee (No other initial fees)

- Up to 500K characters: 22,000 yen (tax included)
- Up to 3M characters: 44,000 yen (tax included)
- Up to 10M characters: 110,000 yen (tax included)

・Language Support
- Japanese <=> English
- Japanese or English <=> Chinese (simplified/traditional), Korean, and more
(76 language pairs are now available including major Asian and European languages)

If you have any questions or want to know more about Kawamura NMT, feel free to reach out to us


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