eDiscovery Translations

Manage efficient and timely deliveries

eDiscovery document translation services
At Kawamura, because we know how speed and coordination matter for eDiscovery translations, we form a dedicated team to ensure your needs are met. According to your specific case, we can adjust the team size even when the project is ongoing. To achieve the best results out of your case, securing translations efficiently in a timely matter is inevitable. Whatever form it’s provided in, we’ll translate and deliver it in your preferred format.

Choosing a reliable partner
Kawamura has been providing professional translation services since 1986, always striving for achieving the customers’ needs. For a successful eDiscovery translation project, the key lies in solid project planning along with various tools and technology to make it happen. You can count on us to serve as your partner to provide you the best options available and to support your needs.

Kawamura’s eDiscovery Translation Services

Automated process

Automated process, handling any type of data

Flexible team

Flexible team, scalable when necessary


Cost-effective solutions, human and machine options


Multilingual support, taking care of all languages


Secure data management, ISO 27001-certified

Case Studies

Industry: Manufacturing
Project: Japanese to English translation of emails, scanned documents of handwritten notes, and other supplementary documents in various formats.

A global manufacturer in the US needed to prepare eDiscovery documents that consisted of more than 5 million characters, which were about 1,000 files, as soon as possible. Considering its volume and urgency, Kawamura suggested machine translation with post-editing and to create and apply a translation memory within the ongoing project. Not only was the manufacturer able to reduce the translation cost by 80% of what it would’ve been if fully prepared by human translation, the manufacturer was able to receive the translated eDiscovery documents in a couple of months.